Based on the translation of Prof. Abduletah Abu Gudde
Publisher: AIITC
Year: 2012
ISBN: 99943-703-8-3
The Qur’an is a Book that at first contact confuses, misleads. Nothing like him gives you the impression of the Absolute. It does not have a familiar, immediate, and relevant introduction to any concrete data: the history of a people, like the Old Testament, or the history of a man, like the Gospel in relation to Christ. Anyone who is accustomed to Euclidean logic that recognizes the straight line as the shortest (and reasonable) line between the two points, will be amazed at the spiral movement of Qur’anic thought, always aiming for absolute monotheism.

The Qur’an is a divine book, and the soul flies from its will within its space: from mysticism to law, from religious to civil norms, from the rules of everyday life to the historical chronicles of mankind.

Unlike in the Hebrew Bible, the Qur’an is not limited to a specific people, but rather applies to all mankind. But it has a direct and inseparable connection with the Arabic language, which God chose to communicate to His humanity His final Message. After the deduction of the Divine Revelation in the form of an exact language, namely classical Arabic, its translation into another language becomes difficult. It is therefore better to speak of an interpretive translation of it.

Since the Qur’an is a sacred text, it is difficult to think that a language other than the original can perfectly convey the meanings and implications of the text, without leaving any doubts, limitations or misunderstandings that may prejudice a deep understanding and a high level religious practice. This statement is in line with the general position of the Islamic religion on the possibility of translating the Qur’an.

However, it must be said that a competent, well-intentioned, and authoritative translation of a translation is an indispensable instrument for acquiring general knowledge of the Book, whether on the part of a reader departing from a particular interest. impartially, whether on the part of a believer who does not have the means to make a fully conscious reading of the original, even though he uses it in his daily prayers.

It is precisely this purpose of the reprint of the translation of the Qur’an by the Albanian Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization. The scruple of literally adhering to the original text is in harmony with trying to express its meaning in a clear and accurate Albanian. This is a useful premise and a strong guarantee of getting the message and getting it correctly into the mind of the regular Albanian-speaking reader.

Therefore, we invite all readers of our website, who are not able to directly download the new version of the Qur’an translation into Albanian, to download it in the electronic form provided on this site.