Looking towards other cultures – Director of AIITC speech

AIITC was founded as means of recognizing, publishing and moving forward the virtues of Islamic culture and civilization. Our institute, with its dynamics, has contributed in numerous cultural fields home and abroad, therefore completing its humanitarian mission. Based on this mission, AIITC has realized different kinds of activities,that were welcomed and revitalized interest. Participation in our activities has been increased by, including participation from researchers of many fields and intellectuals from university circles.

We have had effective ties and good cooperation with the Academy of Sciences, counterpart institutes, universities, libraries, the mass media, and research- and cultural associations, home and abroad – in Albanian lands and beyond. All our scientific scientifical activities, symposiums – symposia, sessions, conferences and seminars have served as tribunals of upbringing new scientific information – have been like tribunes for the sake of providing new scientifical information, and( remove the) the products of the most prominent of Albanian and worldwide literature. Our important publications such as: Dictionaries, books with a theological – technological content, scientifical-, literature-, historical and philosophical content publications, magazines and buletins have supplied given the reader with knowledge in many different areas of contemporary levels and dimensions. In the meantime they’ve given the reader moral messages, that are best inscribed in the people’s hearts.

Albanian-cultural oriented, there has been effort for the contribution of new insight concerning the values of this culture, and the role that this culture had in history. for the creation of the profile and the national physiognomy that with this traditions should knock on the moral conscience of the Albanians. The Islamic culture, as a system of virtues, is a ingredient of the Albanian culture, a fortune that is formed by history. In multicultural harmony and interaction the islamic culture has realised the forming of the soul of our nation. The islamic culture has been a guideline, malleable, that according to time and circumstances helped people to live in harmony with each other.

The islamic culture and civilization in Albanian grounds are products of minds and spiritual forces of Albanians themself. Busy in trying to elevate this culture and civilization, the Albanians have elevated themself and their spiritual world. By following universal values, our culture has been able to find similarities in other cultures. nearby or far away, eastern or western, that influenced the Albanian territory. Observation of cultures, not in clashes and conflicts. But in similar richness and missions like a bridge between different people and as a message of understanding between human beings, is our vision. Cultures help people to live in harmony with eachother, these are indicators of a developed civilization.

Our institue is a voice, a voice that together with other voices resonances the Albanian culture and reaches to other cultures of the world. In regard to the future and with new contemporary visions, we are looking for opening of wealth acculumated and still undiscovered in civilizations and cultures. AIITC is always moving in the direction of universal wealth, to let the culture be as good a possible in service of people.

Dr. Ardian Muhaj

Director of AIITC